Environment Protection Programme
As mentioned earlier the aim of Jwala Volunteers is to reach people of India, to educate them about environment protection to improve the environment, and to integrate the knowledge with other Government/non-government initiatives .Effective protection of the environment requires activity on many wide-ranging different fronts – for example, from acting to limit global environmental threats (such as global warming) to safeguarding individuals from the effects of poor air quality or toxic chemicals. It is one of the four objectives of sustainable development. Actions to protect the environment also produce benefits such as housing (through improved energy efficiency of buildings), social progress (through action to combat fuel poverty) and economic growth (through more efficient use of resources, such as re-use, recycling and recovery of waste).

Energy Security for Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is a socio-ecological process characterized by the fulfillment of human needs while maintaining the quality of the natural environment indefinitely. The linkage between environment and development was globally recognized in 1980, when the International Union for the Conservation of Nature published the World Conservation Strategy and used the term “sustainable development.” The concept came into general usage following publication of the 1987 report of the Brundtland Commission set up by the United Nations General Assembly, coined what was to become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that “meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This definition is later modified into ‘that which meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future’.
The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social-political sustainability.
Energy is the key to economic growth. Prolonged use of energy cannot be taken for granted. Sustainable energy sources are energy sources which are not expected to be depleted in a timeframe relevant to the human race, and which therefore contribute to the sustainability of all species. Sustainable energy sources are most often regarded as including all renewable sources, such as solar power, wind power, wave power, geothermal power, tidal power and others. Moving towards energy sustainability will require changes not only in the way energy is supplied, but in the way it is used, and reducing the amount of energy required to deliver various goods or services is essential. Opportunities for improvement on the demand side of the energy equation are as rich and diverse as those on the supply side, and often offer significant economic benefits.
Concerns about energy security are growing and energy is a main driver behind climate change and local air pollution. A more sustainable energy policy can improve on energy security and reduce environmental impacts, like air pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions. Energy production and transformations significantly influence poverty, prosperity, women’s work and lifestyles, and are affected by demand from urbanization and the population. Sustainable energy development attempts to provide energy services to satisfy basic human needs without compromising future generations or the environment
Renewable energy and energy efficiency are sometimes said to be the “twin pillars” of sustainable energy policy. Both resources must be developed in order to stabilize and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Efficiency slows down energy demand growth so that rising clean energy supplies can make deep cuts in fossil fuel use. If energy use grows too fast, renewable energy development will chase a receding target. Likewise, unless clean energy supplies come online rapidly, slowing demand growth will only begin to reduce total emissions; reducing the carbon content of energy sources is also needed. Any serious vision of a sustainable energy economy thus requires commitments to both renewable and efficiency.
Jwala Sustainable DevelopmentTrust has extensive network, knowledge an panel of energy experts on board, their expertise vary from policy, planning, implementation and research. Our experts are all very senior persons with working experience of more than 20 years in this sector
Renewable energy and energy efficiency is no longer niche sectors that are promoted only by governments and environmentalists. The increased levels of investment and the fact that much of the capital is coming from more conventional financial actors suggest that sustainable energy options are now becoming mainstream.

Education for ALL
INDIA is a country of billion people and 48% of them can not read and write. That makes the second most populous country on the earth poor and underdeveloped. Children live here in miserable conditions. They become child labourers to make a living. There were 13.7 million child labourers in 1994. About 64% of children never went to a school by 1995.Despite the Government efforts to improve the conditions, ever growing population makes it difficult for development. So, it is high time for individuals and organizations to come forward generously and help to uplift the unfortunate and underprivileged
As stated earlier JWALA `s efforts and projects in education would be designed to fulfil the objective of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86th amendment to the Constitution of India making fee and compulsory Education to the Children of 6-14 years age group, a Fundamental Right and special focus will be on girl’s education and children with special needs.

Climate Change  
Climate Change refers to a statistically significant variation in either the mean    state of the climate or in its variability, which is attributed directly or indirectly to anthropogenic activities that alter the composition of global atmosphere and which are in addition to natural climatic variability observed over comparable time periods. The implications of “global warming” are far reaching, and include rises in sea levels, changes in rainfall patterns (increasing the threat of drought or floods in many regions) and a greater threat of extreme weather events, such as intense storms and heat waves. Climate change could, therefore, have potentially dramatic negative socio-economic and environmental impacts. In India, climate change could represent additional pressure on ecological and socio-economic systems that are already under stress due to rapid urbanization, industrialization, and economic development. With its huge and growing population, a 7500-km long densely-populated and low-lying coastline, and an economy that is closely tied to its natural resource base, India is considerably vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Mitigation of global warming involves taking actions aimed at reducing the extent of global warming. This is in contrast to adaptation to global warming which involves taking action to minimize the effects of global warming. Scientific consensus on global warming, together with the precautionary principle and the fear of non-linear climate transitions is leading to increased effort to develop new technologies and sciences and carefully manage others in an attempt to mitigate global warming.
At the core of most proposals is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through reducing energy use and switching to cleaner energy sources.
The proposed programs to reduce CO2 emissions by 1 billion metric tons per year  or 25 billion tons over the 50-year period are efficient vehicles, reduce use of vehicles, efficient buildings, improve efficiency of coal plants from today’s 40% to 60%, replace 1,400 gigawatts of coal power plants with natural gas and 700 gigawatts with nuclear and another 700 gigawatts with 2000 gigawatts solar power, capture and store carbon emitted from 800 gigawatts of new coal plants and from coal to syn fuels conversion at 30 million barrels per day, add 2 million 1 megawatt windmills, produce hydrogen fuel from 4 million 1 megawatt windmills, use biomass to make fuel, stop de-forestation and re-establish 300 million hectares of new tree plantations, etc. After the Kyoto Protocol the main way out to mitigation is the carbon trading in international and domestic markets.

Adaptation to global warming covers attempts to lessen civilization’s vulnerabilities to the negative effects of global warming. This is in contrast to the mitigation of global warming, which involves actions meant to reduce the negative effects of global warming.
Because of the current and projected climate disruption precipitated by high levels of greenhouse gas emissions by the industrialized nations, adaptation is a necessary strategy at all scales to complement climate change mitigation efforts because we cannot be sure that all climate change can be mitigated. Adaptation has the potential to reduce adverse impacts of climate change and to enhance beneficial impacts, but will incur costs and will not prevent all damages.    Human and natural systems will to some degree adapt autonomously to climate change. Planned adaptation can supplement autonomous adaptation, though there are more options and greater possibility for offering incentives in the case of adaptation of human systems than in the case of adaptation to protect natural systems.